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The Val di Zoldo: the Land of the ice cream makers

The history of the relationship between ice cream and the Val di Zoldo is all about people, courage and dedication.

It is a success story built up over generations, from the late 19th century until the present. The people of Zoldo, like those of the Cadore area, were already emigrants when they began producing ice cream in the areas bordering their own. The origin of the recipe for ice cream is unknown, and we do not know how it could have made its way into the valleys of the Dolomites.

What we do know is that it brought significant fortune to the people of this area, who were the first to introduce the rest of Europe, and indeed the world, to the culture of ice cream, one of the most popular Italian artisan desserts. The ingredients the emigrants from Zoldo added were skill and simplicity, which allowed them to create a genuine, top-quality artisan product.

Over the years, these emigrants from Zoldo and the Cadore began to open up ice cream parlours in major cities in Italy and abroad, so don’t be surprised to find one of us behind the counter if you fancy an ice cream in Frankfurt, Tokyo or Buenos Aires!

"I have a distinct memory from my youth of going for ice cream made by a family from Zoldo, who had an ice cream parlour in Bra (Cuneo), where I was born and raised. I remember the photo of Monte Pelmo looking down on us from the wall..."
Carlo Petrini (founder of Slow Food).

Genuine artisan ice cream
There are all kinds of ice cream on the market, but there is nothing as natural and healthy as the artisan variety, made with carefully selected, fresh, genuine ingredients such as cocoa, vanilla pods, milk, eggs, sugar and fresh fruit. Close attention to the quality of the raw materials, teamed with an ability to dose the ingredients carefully and to stick to traditional ice cream making times and methods is able to turn a simple food into a delight for the palate. Let’s not forget that artisan ice cream making is an art!


Discover the secret of the taste:

Fist step: cooking the mixture;
Second step: preparing the machine with salt and ice;
Third step: pouring the mixture;
Fourth step: freezing.


Ice cream festivals:

In Val di Zoldo, ice cream and its history are celebrated in two yearly festivals not to be missed: 

  • 24 March: Gelatoday, an international festival called also "European ice cream day", with special offers on the slopes of Ski Civetta and demonstrations of ice cream making with the ancient machineries at Pian del Crep;


Other events:

  • MIG: Mostra internazionale del gelato artigianale (International exhibition of artisanal ice cream, the "gelato"), at Longarone fiere, every first weekend of December.
  • Il gelato in festa: ice cream festival at Longarone, every first weekend of July.


Where to taste the ice cream of Val di Zoldo

In Val di Zoldo you can taste the artisanal ice cream of Val di Zoldo at the three ice cream parlours of this area (four with Zoppé di Cadore), in the villages of Forno and Dont, and at "Al Soler" of Pecol (tel. +39 0437 789114). 

Experience the Zoldo Valley
Discover year-round activities in the Dolomites from Val di Zoldo
Escursioni guidate


Immersi nel bosco invernale...escursioni avventurose nella magia delle montagne di Zoldo.

Ciaspolate facili per famiglie

Escursioni facili nel bosco alla scoperta delle tracce degli animali selvatici e dei candidi paesaggi.

Ciaspolate sotto le stelle

Nel silenzio della montagna, nel silenzio della sera, un’escursione sotto le stelle con cena in un accogliente rifugio.


To Rifugio Bosconero

Difficulty: Medium
Time: 4 h
Altitude: 1.466 m
Difference in height: 642 m

Vara dal Molin

Difficulty: Easy, for families
Time: 40 min
Altitude: 1.476 m
Difference in height: 80 m

The Moschesin round-trip trekking route

Difficulty: Intermediate
Time: 4 h (6 h e 30 min senza navetta)
Difference in height: 400 m (800 m senza navetta)

The tour of "Mas"

Difficulty: Easy - for families
Time: 2 h 10 min
Altitude: 1.473 m
Difference in height: 325 m

The Alpine lake Piridei

Difficulty: Easy, for families
Time: 1 h 50 min.
Altitude: 1.544 m
Difference in height: 170 m

With the trekking stroller to the Talamini refuge

Difficulty: Easy
Time: 2h 30 A/R
Altitude: 1586 m


Val di Zoldo is waiting for you


The Moschesin round-trip trekking route

Difficoltà: Intermediate
Tempo di precorrenza: 4 h (6 h e 30 min senza navetta)
Dislivello: 400 m (800 m senza navetta)

The hay road

Difficoltà: Easy, for families
Tempo di precorrenza: 1 h 15 min
Quota: 1.381 m
Dislivello: 78 m

The Piccolo Anello Zoldano

Difficoltà: Intermediate/easy
Tempo di precorrenza: 6 giorni/days
Dislivello: 1800 m

Mount Rite

Difficoltà: Medium
Tempo di precorrenza: 3-4 h AR
Quota: 2.183 m
Dislivello: 650 m

Triol del Camillo

Difficoltà: Medium
Tempo di precorrenza: 2-3 h A/R
Dislivello: 250 m
Upcoming Events and Manifestations in Val di Zoldo

Fagaré cross

September 15th 2024



Cinezoldo 2024

from 25th of July until the 12th of September 2024

Festival dei Sapori e Mestieri della Val di Zoldo 2024

22nd June | 13th July | 28th July | 10th August | 25th August | 7th September | 15th September 2024