The Dolomites of Val di Zoldo

The Sfornioi, Sasso di Bosconero and Serra

The Sfornioi, Sasso Bosconero and Serra group make up a group of mountains in the Dolomites, accessible from the lower part of the Val di Zoldo. The group is roughly triangular in shape, with the north-south backbone formed by the Sfornioi-Bosconero-Rocchette della Serra alignment and the east-west line running from Castelaz-Spiz di S. Piero into Sassolungo di Cibiana. It is comprised between the valleys of the Piave River to the east and the Maè Torrent to the south-west, and is marked off to the north by the Cervegana Torrent and the Rite Torrent. The highest points are Sfornioi di Mezzo (2425 m), Sasso di Bosconero (2468 m) and Sasso di Toanella (2430 m).


Numerous paths, of varying difficulty, climb up to the main peaks in the group. At the base of the walls of the Sasso di Bosconero is the Casera Bosconero Refuge (1457 m), which can be reached from a variety of routes, from the Fagaré forest or from Pontesei, with two variants, the most difficult of which is known for the distinctive canyon carved out into the rock and crossed by the famous “Pont de la Capotola”. It can also be reached along the difficult, vertical “Calada” path, which descends from Copada (Cibiana Pass) to the refuge.


These summits were conquered in the second half of the 19th century, but it was not until the 1960s that the lofty, wild peaks in the group became popular with a larger number of mountaineers. The best-known of these peaks are Sassolungo di Cibiana, Sfornioi, Sasso di Bosconero, Sasso di Toanella and Rocchetta Alta di Bosconero, with its famous “Spigolo Strobel”, one of the most famous routes in the Dolomites for its elegance and difficulty.


The Fagaré Forest
The Fagaré is a recently formed forest, with a rich biodiversity. Located near the Bosconero mountain group, it is perfect both for challenging hikes and for easier walking routes suitable for everyone. One of the best-known is the Triol del Camillo, a splendid round-trip path, the first part of which runs along a nature trail with notice boards indicating the names of plants, flowers, mountains and places that once had a particular function, such as the aial, a small clearing where the local charcoal merchants built their charcoal pits (poiat). Well worth a visit when the heather and the wild broom are in bloom.


Thanks to the Val di Zoldo section of the Italian Alpine Club for their invaluable collaboration in preparing the material.


Experience the Zoldo Valley
Discover year-round activities in the Dolomites from Val di Zoldo
Escursioni guidate

Ciaspolate al tramonto

Immersi nel bosco invernale...escursioni avventurose nella magia delle montagne di Zoldo.

Ciaspolate facili per famiglie

Escursioni facili nel bosco alla scoperta delle tracce degli animali selvatici e dei candidi paesaggi.

Ciaspolate sotto le stelle

Nel silenzio della montagna, nel silenzio della sera, un’escursione sotto le stelle con cena in un accogliente rifugio.


Snowshoe excursion | Palafavera-Coi

Difficulty: Easy - please verify the weather and snow conditions before your excursion
Time: 4 h A/R
Altitude: 1720 m
Difference in height: 210 m

Snowshoe excursion | Pecol - Baita Cristelin

Difficulty: Easy - please verify the weather and ambiental conditions
Time: 2/3 h (A/R)
Altitude: 1607 m
Difference in height: 230 m

Snowshoe excursion | Zoppè di Cadore - Rif. Talamini

Difficulty: Easy - verifying the weather and ambiental conditions
Time: 3 h (A/R)
Altitude: 1582 m
Difference in height: 130 m

Ski-mountaineering - Vant de le Sasse

Difficulty: BSA - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Time: 4-5 h
Altitude: 2570 m
Difference in height: 950 m

Snowshoe excursion | Mount Punta

Difficulty: Moderate- please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Time: 4-5 h AR
Altitude: 1952 m
Difference in height: 550 m / 650m

Snowshoe excursion | Coi - Ai Lach

Difficulty: Moderate- please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Time: 5 h A/R
Altitude: 2020 m
Difference in height: 470 m


Val di Zoldo is waiting for you


Ski-mountaineering on Mount Punta

Difficoltà: Easy - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Tempo di precorrenza: 2-4 h A/R
Quota: 1951 m
Dislivello: 600 m

Snowshoe excursion | Rifugio Carestiato

Difficoltà: Easy - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Tempo di precorrenza: 2-3 h A/R
Quota: 1834 m
Dislivello: 270 m

Snowshoe walk around Palafavera

Difficoltà: Easy - please verify the weather and ambiental conditions
Tempo di precorrenza: 3h / 2 h (A/R)
Quota: 1725 m / 1768 m
Dislivello: 210 m / 80 m

Ski-mountaineering - Forca Rossa

Difficoltà: BSA - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Tempo di precorrenza: 4-5 h
Quota: 2700 m
Dislivello: 1000 m

Ski-mountaineering - Vant de le Sasse

Difficoltà: BSA - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Tempo di precorrenza: 4-5 h
Quota: 2570 m
Dislivello: 950 m
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