Discoarena - Forno (Val di Zoldo)
The open air ice skating “Discoarena” in Forno (Val di Zoldo) is open!
Ice skate rental is available.
“Discoarena” is an outdoor facility, the opening is subject to weather conditions.
Chlidren under 12
- afternoon entrance € 4,00 skates rental € 4,00
- night entrance € 5,00 skates rental € 5,00
- afternoon entrance € 5,00 skates rental € 4,00
- night entrance € 6,00 skates rental € 5,00
Kids under 14 MUST wear the helmet which will be provided for free
More info: Facebook page Zoldo Ghiaccio
Baita Ru - Pecol (Val di Zoldo) CLOSED (December 2024)
Open in winter, the ice-skating rink of Baita Ru in Pecol, near the Ski Civetta slopes, at the start of Pian del Crep cable-lift, is immersed in a snowy landscape.
Attention please: the skating pitch of Baita Ru is an open-air venue subject to weather conditions.
Alleghe ice stadium
The indoor ice stadium "Alvise De Toni" is located in Alleghe, about 24 km from the Pecol (Val di Zoldo). It is open from July to the first days of September, then from Christmas to the first days of April. The structure is equipped with skating hire.
[email protected] | tel. 388 1866668
From 21.12.24 to 6.01.25 (except 21th, 29th, 31st evenings)
4.30pm - 6.30pm and 9pm-11pm
Val di Zoldo is waiting for you