Other activities
Sport fishing

Val di Zoldo is waiting for you

Sport fishing in the Val di Zoldo

In the Val di Zoldo, sport fishing fans can practise their favourite activity in torrents, lakes and in the "catch and release" areas. The watercourses of the Val di Zoldo fall within fishing basin no. 6 Piave Maè, which takes care of the protection and normalisation of fish life in the area.

The Maè torrent and its tributaries are popular with anglers from all over Italy, due to the easy access to the bed and the spectacular landscape they offer, for a truly relaxing experience in nature.

General headquarters of the fishing basin: Pro Loco Tourist Office of Longarone, Piazza P. Gonzaga no. 1 – 32013 Longarone (Belluno) – Tel. +39 0437 770119.

Headquarters of the fishing basin in the Val di Zoldo: Brustolon Hotel in Dont (Val di Zoldo), Via Brustolon 57 – 32012 Val di Zoldo (Belluno) - +39 0437 78150 (ask for Mr. Giancarlo Visca).

Fishing is permitted in the following areas of the Val di Zoldo:
B – Maè torrent, from the source to the Palma bridge and from the Fusine bridge to the Pontesei lake
C – Pontesei lake
D – Maè torrent, from the point where it meets the Val di Venier torrent to the walkway in Igne and the Molin bridge in Muda di Longarone, where the torrent runs into the Piave river  
E – Rio Grisol, from the source to the De Damian bridge
L – Duran torrent, from the source to the SS 347 bridge in Chiesa
M – Rio Canedo
R – Rio Rutorto
V Cervegana torrent
W Malisia torrent

Areas with particular fishing regulations
No-Kill areas
N – the whole of the Mareson torrent

N.B. The letters accompanying the areas mentioned correspond to the areas on the map of the whole fishing basin.
Fishing basin no. 6 stretches right along the Maè torrent, plus a stretch of the Piave river that runs from the northern edge of the municipality of Ospitale di Cadore (Rivalgo) to the border between the municipalities of Soverzene and Ponte nelle Alpi (about 400m downstream from the Soverzene dam bridge).

The municipalities covered are: Val di Zoldo, Longarone, Ospitale di Cadore, Soverzene and Zoppé di Cadore. The fishing areas are marked by tables with a yellow background.

Detailed indications on the issue of fishing permits in Basin no. 6 can be found in the dedicated area of the basin’s website: www.bacino6maepiave.com/norme-generali/, or from the tourist offices in Longarone and at hotel Brustolon in Dont (Val di Zoldo).

To fish in the area of fishing basin no. 6, the following documents are required:
  -  fishing license (since April 2009, proof of payment of the regional fee is sufficient, together with a valid ID card);
-    regional license card (not required for members of the basins in the province of Belluno – mandatory for the Park area only);
 -  annual fishing association booklet or temporary permit issued by the Basin authority.

Daily permits for the free fishing area
These permits are valid for one day only (from the first hour after sunrise until the end of the first hour after sunset), on the same day of purchase. Not valid for the “No-Kill” and “Catch & Release” areas.

In Val di Zoldo, they can be purchased at the Brustolon Hotel in Dont (Val di Zoldo), open from 7.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. and from 4.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. (closed on Monday and on Sunday afternoon and from 16 to 20 April). To purchase a permit, you must be in possession of a valid licence and a regional license card (except for members of the basins in the province of Belluno).

A day’s fishing costs € 15.00 (valid only for the day of issue). All permits must be returned to the Longarone office by 30 October.

Permits for the  Mareson torrent no-kill area
These permits are valid for half a day’s fishing, either in the morning (from the start of fishing time to 12.00 noon) or the afternoon (from 12.00 noon until the end of fishing time); they must be used on the date of purchase.
For the “No-Kill” area, 4 (four) permits are available for the morning and 4 (four) for the afternoon.
Larger groups than the number allowed: access to the fishing are will be permitted if all the people are part of the same group.

Permits are issued only by the Brustolon Hotel in Dont di Val di Zoldo, at the following times: from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. – closed on Sundays (for Sundays, arrangements can be made by phone with the owner of the hotel, Mr. Giancarlo Visca). To purchase a permit, you must be in possession of a valid fishing license and regional license card (except for members of the basins in the province of Belluno).

Permits can be booked. The permit costs € 2.00 for members of Fishing Basin no. 6 (make sure you always show your fishing association booklet), and € 15.00 for everyone else. Each permit comes with a receipt to be torn off and handed in by the angler when returning the permit, which must be signed and dated by the person collecting the permit. All permits must be returned to the Longarone office by 30 October.

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Snowshoe excursion | Zoppè di Cadore - Rif. Talamini

Difficulty: Easy - verifying the weather and ambiental conditions
Time: 3 h (A/R)
Altitude: 1582 m
Difference in height: 130 m

Snowshoe excursion | Val Pramper

Difficulty: Easy (very long) - Please verify the weather and ambiental conditions
Time: 5-6 h (A/R)
Altitude: 1540 m
Difference in height: 700 m

Snowshoe excursion | Palafavera-Coi

Difficulty: Easy - please verify the weather and snow conditions before your excursion
Time: 4 h A/R
Altitude: 1720 m
Difference in height: 210 m

Snowshoe excursion | Pecol - Baita Cristelin

Difficulty: Easy - please verify the weather and ambiental conditions
Time: 2/3 h (A/R)
Altitude: 1607 m
Difference in height: 230 m

Snowshoe excursion | Al Vach Lake

Difficulty: Easy - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions
Time: 3/5 h (A/R)
Altitude: 1361 m / 1221 m
Difference in height: 370 m

Snowshoe excursion | Coi - Ai Lach

Difficulty: Moderate- please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Time: 5 h A/R
Altitude: 2020 m
Difference in height: 470 m
