Easy walking routes

Below Moiazza’s amphitheatre - Valle di Goima

A short and easy circular tour (one hour) between the old houses of Chiesa and Molin, the highest villages in the Goima valley, and through the meadows which offer a beautiful view over Bosconero and Mezzodì.

From Dont, climb up the road no.347 from passo Duran to the junction for Molin (1.182m) from where you leave the car in the small space in front of the ex-school which now hosts the Museum “Museo degli usi, costumi e mestieri della valle di Goima”.

Continuing on foot along the main road, reach the first houses of Chiesa di Goima. From here leave the main road and head into the small inhabited centre, characterised by the ruins of old peasant homes and ancient houses reputed to be of the Vatican. In the background Moiazza stands out, carved out by the characteristic rock step which holds the large Vant di Moiazza. The parish church of S.Tiziano (1400) overlooks the small square in the centre of the village, it has recently been restructured with its typical onion-shaped bell tower, conserving its precious works of art.

Continue and reach the road which is level with a small open space (Canzel Grant, 1.240m). From here find the path which heads down to Molin going round a fenced off meadow (beware of the live electric wires). Once you reach the main road follow it for a short way to the right (south) crossing over the torrent, where the old saw mill building is situated with its water mill (one of Zoldo’s last active saw mills). Back tracking follow the main road, which is flat, enjoying the view of the roofs above which the S.Tiziano bell tower rises, standing out against the green vegetation. Towards south-east the summits of Sfornioi-Bosconero emerge above the woods of Col Baion, and to the east the Spiz of Mezzodì offer an amazing sight at sunset.

The Pioneer of Moiazza
Giovanni Angelini was the son of a Zoldana woman (Caterina Cordella in Panciera Besarèl), who transmitted to him 'the love for this valley and its mountains', as he, himself, writes. Angelini was the first to describe in detail all the mountains of Zoldo, with long articles published on the Veneto Alps
The first of these (“Salite in Moiazza”, 1950) is still a basic text and testifies that this was his favourite mountain, explored in its most hidden corners with his brother Valentino, Franco Vienna, Silvio Sperti and others. Then more articles followed on Bosconero, Tamer-San Sebastiano and Prampèr-Mezzodì and finally the volumes “Civetta per le vie del passato”, “Pelmo d’altri tempi” and the guide for the Alpine Club and Italian Touring Club “Pelmo e Dolomiti di Zoldo”.


[contents: Unione montana Longaronese Cadore Zoldo]


Attention please: variant less frequented in Summer by cars and motos, taking from the start via Molin and then, via Mez, steep road with wonderful views on the village of Chiesa and on the Moiazza. Reached the top, paying attention, cross the SS347 (Passo Duran) and go on to the village of Chiesa. The rest of the itinerary does not change.


Difficulty: Easy, for families
Length: 1.100 m
Travel time: 25 min
Altitude: 1252 m
Difference in height: 70 m
Land: Road, gravel road, path
Dolomitic Group: Moiazza - Civetta's chain
Departure: junction for Molin 1182 m
Arrival: junction for Molin 1182 m
Recommended period: Summer (attention please on the road), Spring, Autumn
Attendance: Low


The Alta via Dolomiti Bellunesi

Difficoltà: E; EE; EEA
Tempo di precorrenza: 7 giorni/days
Dislivello: + 6100 m - 6370 m

Hamlets worth discovering

Difficoltà: Easy, for families
Tempo di precorrenza: 1 h 30 min.
Quota: 929 m
Dislivello: 89 m

The Moschesin round-trip trekking route

Difficoltà: Intermediate
Tempo di precorrenza: 4 h (6 h e 30 min senza navetta)
Dislivello: 400 m (800 m senza navetta)

The hay road

Difficoltà: Easy, for families
Tempo di precorrenza: 1 h 15 min
Quota: 1.381 m
Dislivello: 78 m

Trekking from Passo Giau to Mondeval plateau

Difficoltà: Intermediate
Tempo di precorrenza: 4 h
Quota: 2.358 m
Dislivello: 600 m