
Chiosco bar cabinovia

Located at the start of the Pecol gondola, the small bar, with adjacent kiosk, it is extremely welcoming, furnished simply but in perfect mountain style. Between skiing and the other you can allow yourself a break to enjoy delicious snacks, sandwiches, beers, cocktails, spirits and much more.



Phone number: +39 320 0606036
E-mail: [email protected]


Snowshoe excursion | Mount Punta

Difficoltà: Moderate- please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Tempo di precorrenza: 4-5 h AR
Quota: 1952 m
Dislivello: 550 m / 650m

Ski-mountaineering on Mount Punta

Difficoltà: Easy - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Tempo di precorrenza: 2-4 h A/R
Quota: 1951 m
Dislivello: 600 m

Ski-mountaineering - Vant de le Sasse

Difficoltà: BSA - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Tempo di precorrenza: 4-5 h
Quota: 2570 m
Dislivello: 950 m

Snowshoe excursion | Pecol-Baita Civetta

Difficoltà: Easy, also for families - Please verify the weather and ambiental conditions
Tempo di precorrenza: 2/3 h A/R
Quota: 1579 m
Dislivello: 200 m

Snowshoe excursion | Rifugio Carestiato

Difficoltà: Easy - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Tempo di precorrenza: 2-3 h A/R
Quota: 1834 m
Dislivello: 270 m