
Snowshoe walks with the gnomes of Val di Zoldo

Programme "Get excited by snow" 2022-23: snowshoes walk for families 

28 December | 05 January | 21 Febraury


The emotion of the snow for children! A walk into Zoldo’s valleys discovering the flora and the fauna and the geology that characterize them. 

During these excursion pay attention! Some magical creatures of the woods may come across!


Meeting point: it will communicated at the moment during the booking.

Meeting time: 9.30 a.m.

Return: about 12.30 p.m.

Info: children must be accompanied by an adult.

Booking: max 10 children age from 6 to 12.

Cost: child (up to 12yo) + accompanying adult € 35 (€ 30 if staying in an associated structure)

Equipment: winter trekking boots and gloves-snow shoes and pales shall be provided by the organization.

Registration and information: at the tourist offices of Forno (via Roma 12) or Pecol (via Monte Civetta 4B), by 5pm of the previous day.

Accompanying: by  the  mountain  guides  who  will  consider,  in  case  of  bad  weather  or  other  unfore-seen circumstances, to modify and / or shorten the route  according  to  the  weather  conditions  or  the  participating  group. 


During  the  activities,  which  start where the own cars are left and until return to them, all participants are covered RCT insurance, as required by law.

The registration fee is refunded only if the activity is cancelled by the organisation.


Organization: Consorzio Val di Zoldo Turismo


Experience the Zoldo Valley
Discover year-round activities in the Dolomites from Val di Zoldo
Escursioni guidate


Immersi nel bosco invernale...escursioni avventurose nella magia delle montagne di Zoldo.

Ciaspolate facili per famiglie

Escursioni facili nel bosco alla scoperta delle tracce degli animali selvatici e dei candidi paesaggi.

Ciaspolate sotto le stelle

Nel silenzio della montagna, nel silenzio della sera, un’escursione sotto le stelle con cena in un accogliente rifugio.


With the trekking stroller to Mas di Sabe

Difficulty: Easy
Time: 30 min (A/R - total time)
Altitude: 1465 m
Difference in height: 44 m

The village of silence - Sottorogno, Pradel, Foppa

Difficulty: Easy, for families
Time: 40 min
Altitude: 1.018 m
Difference in height: 87 m

The Anello Zoldano

Time: 6 giorni/days
Difference in height: 4000 m circa/about

Su'n Paradis - from Pian del Crep Hut

Difficulty: Easy, for families
Time: 40 min.
Altitude: 1877 m
Difference in height: 112 m

With the trekkking stroller on the "Hay road"

Difficulty: Easy
Time: 1 h
Altitude: 1334 m
Difference in height: 78 m

The "Lizon" road

Difficulty: Easy, for families
Time: 45 min.
Altitude: 1.570 m
Difference in height: 118 m
