
Snowshoe excursion | Rifugio Città di Fiume

This simple route is suitable for everyone, especially beginners.


By climbing up to the Rifugio Città di Fiume you can enjoy the panorama of some of the most evocative peaks of the Dolomites: Monte Pelmo, Marmolada, Croda da Lago, Lastoi del Formin.
The route runs on a wide dirt road (467) and is marked very clearly. Whether you snowshoe or walk, the snow is generally well-packed; you will hike amidst dwarf pine trees and pastures up to the Malga Fiorentina, where the landscape opens up onto the valley of the same name.
From the alpine hut continue keeping to the right and after walking a few minutes through larch woods, you get to the Rifugio Città di Fiume, at the foot of Monte Pelmo.


You can also go up (or down) following some interesting alternative routes on the open area below the slopes of the Val d'Arcia (beware of possible avalanche danger!). From the parking area, you can reach trail 472 to the refuge or get to the forcella Forata and from there to the mountain hut.
Although these routes are often marked, do not underestimate them. They are much more challenging than a classic climb.


Before embarking in a winter excursion, check out weather forecasts and snow conditions.

We remind you that from January 1st, 2022 a new legislation on winter excursions is on force: self-rescue disposals are mandatory for all winter excursionists in avalanche prone environments

Difficulty: Easy - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Length: 2,3 km (A)
Travel time: 2/3 h A/R
Altitude: 1918 m
Difference in height: 250 m
Land: Packed snow on dirt track
Dolomitic Group: MontePelmo
Departure: hairpin n. 3 of the Staulanza pass on the side of Val Fiorentina (1663m)
Arrival: Rifugio Città di Fiume (1918 m)
Attendance: Very high


Val di Zoldo is waiting for you


The tour of Mount Pelmo

Difficoltà: Itinerary which requires excellent physical form
Tempo di precorrenza: 6-7 h
Quota: Forcella Val d'Arcia - 2.476 m
Dislivello: 856 m

To Rifugio Sora l' Sass

Difficoltà: Medium
Tempo di precorrenza: 3 h 30 min A/R (up/down)
Quota: 1,600 m
Dislivello: 626 m

Spiz Zuel, a balcony on the valley

Difficoltà: Easy
Tempo di precorrenza: 3 h A/R
Quota: 2.027 m
Dislivello: 453 m

Triol del Camillo

Difficoltà: Medium
Tempo di precorrenza: 2-3 h A/R
Dislivello: 250 m

Lake and rifugio Coldai

Difficoltà: Medium
Tempo di precorrenza: 4 h 30 min A/R
Quota: 2.190 m
Dislivello: 729 m