
Snowshoe excursion | Rifugio Carestiato

An easy hike on a wide dirt road with snow that is frequently groomed by the hut owners.

On packed snow, you can also walk wearing winter boots. 

There are two possible starts:

  • just before reaching the Passo Duran (1601m), on the right, begins the dirt road leading to the Rifugio (you ought to park your car at the Pass and then walk back down to join the dirt road).   
  • from the pass along trail 549 to the beaten track.

Following the road, passing through woods and dwarf pine trees, you snowshoe across the wide pastures of the Casera Duràn (1744m), the detrital bed of Val de le Vie, and dwarf pine trees. Finally, you will briefly climb up the Col dei Pass and get to the Rifugio.



Before embarking in a winter excursion, check out weather forecasts and snow conditions.

We remind you that from January 1st, 2022 a new legislation on winter excursions is on force: self-rescue disposals are mandatory for all winter excursionists in avalanche prone environments

Difficulty: Easy - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Length: 2,6 km (A)
Travel time: 2-3 h A/R
Altitude: 1834 m
Difference in height: 270 m
Land: Packed snow on dirt track/ Fresh snow on CAI path
Dolomitic Group: Moiazza - Civetta
Departure: Passo Duran (1601 m)
Arrival: Rifugio Bruto Carestiato (1834 m)
Attendance: High


Val di Zoldo is waiting for you


The Anello Zoldano

Tempo di precorrenza: 6 giorni/days
Dislivello: 4000 m circa/about

To Rifugio Sora l' Sass

Difficoltà: Medium
Tempo di precorrenza: 3 h 30 min A/R (up/down)
Quota: 1,600 m
Dislivello: 626 m

The tour of "Mas"

Difficoltà: Easy - for families
Tempo di precorrenza: 2 h 10 min
Quota: 1.473 m
Dislivello: 325 m

To Rifugio Bosconero

Difficoltà: Medium
Tempo di precorrenza: 4 h
Quota: 1.466 m
Dislivello: 642 m

With the trekking stroller to Rifugio Città di Fiume

Difficoltà: Easy
Tempo di precorrenza: 50 min
Quota: 1918 m
Dislivello: 243 m