
Snowshoe excursion | Zoppè di Cadore - Rif. Talamini

An easy snowshoe hike to the Rifugio Talamini, starting in Zoppé di Cadore.

From the hamlet of Bortolot, in Le Fraine continue along the municipal road leading to the Rifugio, closed to transit during the winter season and easily accessible on packed snow throughout the opening period.

At the foot of Monte Pelmo, the path heads up to the Rifugio Talamini (1586m), a beautiful and welcoming wooden hut overlooking Monte Antelao.


Before embarking in a winter excursion, check out weather forecasts and snow conditions.

We remind you that from January 1st, 2022 a new legislation on winter excursions is on force: self-rescue disposals are mandatory for all winter excursionists in avalanche prone environments



Difficulty: Easy - verifying the weather and ambiental conditions
Length: 3,9 km (A)
Travel time: 3 h (A/R)
Altitude: 1582 m
Difference in height: 130 m
Land: Packed snow on dirt track
Dolomitic Group: Monte Pelmo
Departure: Zoppè di Cadore (1563m)
Arrival: Rifugio Talamini (1582m)
Attendance: Average


Val di Zoldo is waiting for you


To the source of the Maé - Le Palanche

Difficoltà: Easy, for families
Tempo di precorrenza: 1 h
Quota: 1.445 m
Dislivello: 57 m

Hamlets worth discovering

Difficoltà: Easy, for families
Tempo di precorrenza: 1 h 30 min.
Quota: 929 m
Dislivello: 89 m

Alta via n. 1

Difficoltà: EE / EEA / A
Tempo di precorrenza: 12 giorni/days
Quota: max Rifugio Lagazuoi (2752m)
Dislivello: Totale/total +7300m -8400m

The Anello Zoldano

Tempo di precorrenza: 6 giorni/days
Dislivello: 4000 m circa/about

With the trekkking stroller on the "Hay road"

Difficoltà: Easy
Tempo di precorrenza: 1 h
Quota: 1334 m
Dislivello: 78 m