Stores and services

Soccol snc

The company Soccol Snc proposes paintings and decorations for your house or your office, insulation and plasterboards.

Phone number: +39 3403456848
Phone number: +39 3403307485
E-mail: [email protected]


Ski-mountaineering - Forca Rossa

Difficoltà: BSA - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Tempo di precorrenza: 4-5 h
Quota: 2700 m
Dislivello: 1000 m

Snowshoe excursion | Mount Punta

Difficoltà: Moderate- please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Tempo di precorrenza: 4-5 h AR
Quota: 1952 m
Dislivello: 550 m / 650m

Snowshoe excursion | Palafavera-Coi

Difficoltà: Easy - please verify the weather and snow conditions before your excursion
Tempo di precorrenza: 4 h A/R
Quota: 1720 m
Dislivello: 210 m

Snowshoe excursion | Rifugio Città di Fiume

Difficoltà: Easy - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Tempo di precorrenza: 2/3 h A/R
Quota: 1918 m
Dislivello: 250 m

Snowshoe excursion | Mount Rite

Difficoltà: Moderate - verifying the weather and ambiental conditions
Tempo di precorrenza: 5-6 h A/R
Quota: 2183 m
Dislivello: 650 m