Stores and services

Studio tecnico associato PDL - Technical private office

The Technical Private Office PDL run by Panciera Aldo and Del Longo Valerio is at your disposal for land registries, designs, pads, sequences, estimates, consultations.


It is located in Forno di Zoldo

Phone number: +39 0437 787301
E-mail: [email protected]


Snowshoe excursion | Spiz Zuel

Difficoltà: Moderate/Difficult - please verify the weather and snow conditions before your excursion
Tempo di precorrenza: 5-7 h (A/R)
Quota: 2033 m
Dislivello: 800m

Snowshoe excursion | Pecol - Baita Cristelin

Difficoltà: Easy - please verify the weather and ambiental conditions
Tempo di precorrenza: 2/3 h (A/R)
Quota: 1607 m
Dislivello: 230 m

Snowshoe excursion | Rifugio Città di Fiume

Difficoltà: Easy - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Tempo di precorrenza: 2/3 h A/R
Quota: 1918 m
Dislivello: 250 m

Snowshoe excursion | Forcella Cibiana - Copada Alta

Difficoltà: Easy - verifying the weather and ambiental conditions
Tempo di precorrenza: 2h A/R
Quota: 1695 m
Dislivello: 180 m

Ski-mountaineering - Forca Rossa

Difficoltà: BSA - please verify before your excursion the weather and snow conditions (Arpa meteo)
Tempo di precorrenza: 4-5 h
Quota: 2700 m
Dislivello: 1000 m