Easy walking routes

Zig-zagging through the villages

A pleasant itinerary which on the approach walk introduces you to houses of Fusine and Pianaz by walking along the back roads, crosses the Maè torrent, reaching Palma which is equipped with games for children. The return itinerary instead passes through the woods till it pops out at Soramaè and then returns to the starting point.

At Fusine (1.177m), once you leave your car in the car park, climb up towards the church of S. Nicolò and turn into the small road on the right which continues almost parallel with the main road, keep along it for a short section which follows a wide bend and turn back into the old road which crosses the meadow (nice restructured wooden hut converted into a house on the left) till you come out onto the road again. Here you will see a modern fountain built with Cornigian red stone in 2001 by the French sculptor C. Claudel.


Cross the road climbing uphill and passing by an old tabià and then near Pianaz’s old dairy reaching the main road again which is level with piazza Santo Colussi: S.Rocco’s bell tower stands out against the mass of Mount Pelmo. Continue along a back road (via dei Frassen and then via Vido) till you reach the main road once again. Cross the road which leads to Palma at a junction and after crossing the Maè torrent head into Palma (one of Ski Civetta’s starting points) where there is a large area of flat ground partly equipped with a play park for children (1.268 m, 45 mins. restaurant, bar).


To the left of the large car park (south) turn into the easy path (marked Cai 584, red marks on trees) which in a nice sparse wood of larch, fir and beech trees crosses Costa dei Tremoi slightly downhill; after passing Ru dei Ronch, the path heads down slightly steeper and comes out at Soramaè, one of the most striking villages of the valley, below Col Grand di Canazzè with mount Pelmo in the background (1.230 m, 30 mins). Following the asphalt road head downhill till you reach the Maè torrent, walk back up to Fusine and after a few minutes you come out onto the square in front of the church.

The church of Fusine
From documents preserved in the episcopal archives the chapel is first mentioned in 1185, in 1331 it is learnt from a parchment that the building is dedicated to the cult of Saint Nicolò, Bishop of Myra (Licia) in the III-IV centuries. The church was then expanded and enriched with works of art in 1900 thanks to Signor Paolo Colussi from Pianaz. Worth seeing are the high altar piece by Jacopo Marieschi and the statues of Saints Peter and Paul by Valentino Besarel Junior, the crucifix on the altar of the Cross attributed to the pupils of Brustolon, the tabernacle of the altar of the Sacred Heart by Paolo Gamba Zampol. The elegant spires of the bell towers are by Giovanni Battista Panciera Besarel, father of Valentino.


[contents: Unione montana Longaronese Cadore Zoldo]


Difficulty: Easy, for families
Length: 4.500 m
Travel time: 1 h 25 min.
Altitude: 1.321 m
Difference in height: 184 m
Land: Road and path
Dolomitic Group: Civetta
Departure: Fusine, 1.177 m
Arrival: Fusine, 1.177 m
Recommended period: Summer, Autumn and Spring (from May)
Attendance: Medium


Triol del Camillo

Difficoltà: Medium
Tempo di precorrenza: 2-3 h A/R
Dislivello: 250 m

With the trekking stroller to Mas di Sabe

Difficoltà: Easy
Tempo di precorrenza: 30 min (A/R - total time)
Quota: 1465 m
Dislivello: 44 m

Trekking from Passo Giau to Mondeval plateau

Difficoltà: Intermediate
Tempo di precorrenza: 4 h
Quota: 2.358 m
Dislivello: 600 m

The Centuries-old wood

Difficoltà: Easy, for families
Tempo di precorrenza: 1 h 30 min.
Quota: 1.065 m
Dislivello: 176 m

Alta via n. 1

Difficoltà: EE / EEA / A
Tempo di precorrenza: 12 giorni/days
Quota: max Rifugio Lagazuoi (2752m)
Dislivello: Totale/total +7300m -8400m