Restaurants and Pizzerias

Hotel Edelweiss Restaurant

The Restaurant of Hotel Edelweiss offers a menu made with top quality products, 0km as much as possible and expertly made by the kitchen team.

Traditional dishes are the highlight: barley soup, "casonziei", venison cutlets with polenta and, on a weekly basis, our typical dinner, to be concluded strictly with a cumin schnapps (which guarantees a surplus of good mood!).
They dedicate particular attention to preparing dishes for celiac people or otherfood intolerances (which they kindly ask you to point out already at the time of booking).


The restaurant is open for dinner on request.


The ascent of the mount Civetta

Difficoltà: cable-equipped sections, overall difficult
Tempo di precorrenza: 6-7 h dall'attacco/from the start of the climb
Quota: 3220 m
Dislivello: 770 m dall'attacco/from the start of the climb

La strada del formai

Difficoltà: Easy, for families
Tempo di precorrenza: 2 h
Quota: 1.690 m
Dislivello: 246 m

With the trekking stroller to Rifugio Città di Fiume

Difficoltà: Easy
Tempo di precorrenza: 50 min
Quota: 1918 m
Dislivello: 243 m

Via Normale - to the top of Mount Pelmo

Difficoltà: See the description
Tempo di precorrenza: 8-10 h
Dislivello: 1200 m dal/from Rifugio Venezia

The waterfall and the Alpine lake "Al Vach".

Difficoltà: Easy, for families
Tempo di precorrenza: 3 h
Quota: 1.361 m
Dislivello: 381 m